Suite 03-06 Gleneagles Medical Centre
6 Napier Road Singapore 258499
Dr Stanley was trained as a Head & Neck surgeon, and has handled major head and neck cancer resections and reconstructions. A Head and Neck team approach is available. The team will include an oral surgeon and a plastic surgeon.
Thyroid surgery is part of Head & Neck surgery and diagnostic tests like fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) are available in the clinic. Thyroidectomy is also performed whenever necessary.
Head and neck cancer screening is also available. This is particularly with reference to Nasophageal Cancer (NPC). This would include a thorough video nasolaryngoscopic examination in addition to screening of the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) serology (IgA anti VCA, IgA anti EA), which is done at the W.H.O Laboratory at the National University Hospital, Singapore. This is for patients who are at risk ie. first degree relatives of a patient with NPC.